Check what database is using most of plan cache. Every query execution requires execution plan. Execution plans are in most cases then stored in plan cache for reuse. This behavior...
Look under hood and check what clerks are using memory. The SQL Server memory manager consists of a three-layer hierarchy. At the bottom of the hierarchy are memory nodes. The...
Check configuration and usage of RAM and page file. Useful as quick overview for memory performance problem entry point. You will see if SQL Server using all memory according to...
Retrieve information about query completion percent and estimated finish time. This is useful when running big databases restore or some hard DBCC database command. You want to check actual state...
Retrieve information about query completion percent and estimated finish time. This is useful when running big databases restore or some hard DBCC database command. You want to check actual state...
Verify if required login exists in SQL Server 2000 instance and affect workflow. This is simple query to system view sys.syslogins. Checking for existence of principal with given name. So...
Verify if required login exists and affect workflow. This is simple query to catalog view sys.server_principals . Checking for existence of principal with given name. So this is useful in...
Check buffer pool usage for every database. Returns information about all the data pages that are currently in the SQL Server buffer pool. Use output of this view to determine...
Check page count stored in buffer pool for every database. Returns information about all the data pages that are currently in the SQL Server buffer pool. The output of this...
Bulk shrink of transaction log for all databases. This script is handy when your transaction logs grown big on several databases. You want to shrink all log files quickly so...